The final conference (Multiplier Event) of the LSP-TEOC.Pro project took place in Poznań, on 5 July 2023. All partners took part either in person or online. Moreover and important, 56 international particpants attended the conference in person. Program: 9.00h-10.00h Registration10.00h-10.15h Welcome and start of the conference program10.15h-10.30h Presentation of the […]
Category: Transnational Meetings
The 6th LSP-TEOC.Pro transnational meeting took place in Poznań, on 4 July 2023. All partners took part either in person or online: Adam Mickiewicz UniversityArcola ResearchJade University of Applied SciencesUniversity of BergamoUniversity of BordeauxUniversity of CadizUniversity of ÇukurovaUniversity of LjubljanaUniversity of Zagreb The main topics discussed were: Review of financial and management mattersPresentation of and […]

5th Transnational Meeting – Bergamo 2023 The 5th LSP-TEOC.Pro transnational meeting took place in Bergamo, on 9-10 February 2023.All partners took part either in Bergamo or online: The main topics discussed were: The project is moving forward and we look forward to Transnational meeting 6 at Adam Mickiewicz University in July and to the final […]
The fourth transnational meeting took place online on the 7th and 8th of September 2022. The following items on the agenda have been discussed in the online meeting: Analysis and approval of Intellectual Output 3: Development of course content for LSP teacher education and development(by Ljubljana University) Analysis and approval of Intellectual Output 4: Implementation […]
The third transnational meeting took place in November 2021. The following seven agenda items were discussed: 1 Presentation of the Intellectual Output 2 results 2 Presentation and discussion on Intellectual Output 3 3 Discussion on Intellectual Output 4 4 Revision of Intellectual Output 8: Evaluation method and tool 5 Discussion on dissemination strategy 6 Review of financial and management matters 7 LSP new website and new Moodle platform
The second transnational meeting took place in April 2021. The findings of IO1 are presented and approved by all partners and an online teaching methodology has been defined. At this point of the project, dissemination strategy has been already devised and implemented to help reach the target group.
The KICK-OFF MEETING is organised at the beginning of the project in September 2020. In the meeting, different partners are introduced to each other and the methods and tools of communication among partners are introduced. Members of the consortium discussed IO1 which involves the analysis and synthesis of existing LSP teacher education and development programmes. […]