This intellectual output will set out the overall evaluation design and plan for the project, including the ‘internal’evaluation, process evaluation and summative (outcomes) evaluation. It will provide the data collection instruments and templates for data collection and analysis. These include: automated data capture (for example website logfiles); self-administered questionnaires and interviews; focus groups; diaries and […]
Author: Nicolas Nause
Intellectual output 7 applies learning analytics methods on the data gathered during the large-scale trialling phase of the project. The trialling phase will have provided the project consortium with a large dataset on empirical data of user interaction with the online LSP teacher training course. The data will include the users’ nationality, affiliation, status (e.g. […]
Final Conference
The final conference (Multiplier Event) of the LSP-TEOC.Pro project took place in Poznań, on 5 July 2023. All partners took part either in person or online. Moreover and important, 56 international particpants attended the conference in person. Program: 9.00h-10.00h Registration10.00h-10.15h Welcome and start of the conference program10.15h-10.30h Presentation of the […]
The 6th LSP-TEOC.Pro transnational meeting took place in Poznań, on 4 July 2023. All partners took part either in person or online: Adam Mickiewicz UniversityArcola ResearchJade University of Applied SciencesUniversity of BergamoUniversity of BordeauxUniversity of CadizUniversity of ÇukurovaUniversity of LjubljanaUniversity of Zagreb The main topics discussed were: Review of financial and management mattersPresentation of and […]
This training activity took place in April 2023 and lasted for four consecutive days. It is a short-term joint staff event that prepared partners of the strategic partnership to estimate the effectiveness, validity and reliability of the quizzes implemented in the LSP-TEOC.Pro course. The presented analytical tools included general descriptive and inductive statistics as well […]
In intellectual output 6, a large-scale trialling of the English online LSP teacher training course is carried out. A large number of external individuals and stakeholder organisations have been approached to use the online course and give feedback on their experience. This intellectual output is a decisive step in the dissemination of the project whilst […]
5th Transnational Meeting – Bergamo 2023 The 5th LSP-TEOC.Pro transnational meeting took place in Bergamo, on 9-10 February 2023.All partners took part either in Bergamo or online: The main topics discussed were: The project is moving forward and we look forward to Transnational meeting 6 at Adam Mickiewicz University in July and to the final […]
The fourth transnational meeting took place online on the 7th and 8th of September 2022. The following items on the agenda have been discussed in the online meeting: Analysis and approval of Intellectual Output 3: Development of course content for LSP teacher education and development(by Ljubljana University) Analysis and approval of Intellectual Output 4: Implementation […]
In intellectual output 5, the online LSP teacher training course is tested by project partners and selected external users. Different external users have been carefully selected from the consortium to test and trial the online course. The aim is to identify and eliminate any remaining technical or other issues which may jeopardise the functions of […]
In intellectual output 4, the online course content is successfully integrated into the selected learning management systems (LMS). The online course allows its users to train LSP teacher contents. Options for self-registration, use of quizzes and individual feedback are decided on and issues of usability are solved in IO4. The LSP teacher training online course […]