Intellectual output 3 includes the development of the actual course content for the online
LSP teacher education and development course. The development is based on the
adaptation of programmes identified in intellectual output 1 into those online course
formats defined in intellectual output 2. The online self-directed course consists of eight
separate modules that are complementary in nature and each module can be completed
separately. Structure of each module, estimated student dedication time and learning
outcomes are explained in each module. The main final outcome of IO3 is coherent and
consistent content of all eight LSP-TEOC.Pro modules defined during IO2:
- Module 0: Introduction to LSP
- Module 1: Needs analysis in LSP
- Module 2: LSP course and syllabus design
- Module 3: LSP communities, genres, and corpora
- Module 4: LSP teaching skills
- Module 5: LSP materials evaluation and design
- Module 6: Task, project, problem-based LSP teaching/learning
- Module 7: LSP assessment
Each LSP-TEOC.Pro module follows the same micro-structure:
- Module introduction with a description of the learning outcomes that students are
expected to reach, of the module structure, and estimated student dedication time. - Section 1 (25% of student dedication time) with the theoretical (textual and audio-
visual) input that provides the students with the necessary theoretical knowledge
that will enable them to successfully engage in the productive activities in Sections 2
and 3. - Section 2 (25% of student dedication time) allows the students to go through the
module content in the role of LSP learners. In this way, they are provided with a
model for the development of their own products in Section 3. - Section 3 (50% of student dedication time) requires the students to take up the role
of LSP teachers and prepare LSP materials for a hypothetical or real group of LSP
learners. - Module conclusion that allows the students to reflect on their learning process by
checking whether they have achieved the learning outcomes defined in the module
introduction. - Please find the results of Intellectual Output 3 in the following two files: